Frequently Asked Questions

All the answers you need! Find out more about Harmonices.
Can it be visited?
I'm not sure where I would like to live, can I make several visits to discover your options?
What do your prices include?
Are the prices the same for two, six or eleven months?
Do you guarantee the same price if I want to renew at the end of my contract?
Do I have to pay a deposit?
Do I have to pay a reservation fee? another commission?
What happens if my supply consumption exceeds 50€?
How to book?
Is it possible to book online only?
Can I book for a minimum period to try and then extend?
What documents do you need for a reservation?
What do I have to pay before check-in?
Is there a minimum stay? maximum?
How is the monthly payment made? When do I have to pay?
What is a SEPA payment?
What if I want to end my contract before the due date?
When do I recover the bond?
Is it possible to enter any day of the month?
Can the contract be terminated any day of the month?
How do I check in?
How do I check out?
Are you looking for a particular tenant profile?
What type of tenants live in your Senior Living?
What would my daily life be like in a Harmonices Senior Living?
What do I need to live in Harmonices?
Do you take care of the maintenance?
Do I have to pay extra for maintenance?
What if something doesn't work?
What happens if I break something?
How to report an incident?
Who do I call if I have an emergency?
Are you in charge of cleaning my apartment?
Do I have to pay extra for cleaning?
Do you take care of the change of sheets and towels?
Do I have to pay extra for the laundry service?
How does cleaning common areas work?
Do you still have doubts?
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