Cookie Policy

We inform you that the website uses a technology commonly called cookies in order to facilitate browsing, show information of interest or offer a better browsing experience. In order to make full use of the Website and its functions, we recommend that you accept the proposed configuration for the use and installation of cookies.

Harmonices de Impacto informs you that the Website complies with applicable regulations on electronic communications and in particular with those provisions related to the use of cookies. Visitors and users of the Website (hereinafter, the “Users”) can find in this Cookie Policy information about the type of cookies we use, the purposes for which they are used and the options available to control or eliminate them.
Cookies are text files that store small amounts of information and that can be downloaded and stored on your device (for example, your computer, smartphone or tablet) for the purpose of storing data that can be updated and retrieved by the entity responsible for their installation. The information collected through Cookies may include the date and time of use of the Website, the pages visited, the time you have been using the Website and the actions taken. Depending on their use and content, cookies may be used to recognize Users.

In addition to cookies, we may use similar techniques, such as pixels, web beacons and device fingerprints. For reasons of consistency, all of these combined techniques will hereinafter be referred to as “Cookies”.
When browsing the Website, our own and third-party cookies are used.
  • Own cookies: These are those that are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the editor itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
  • Third-party cookies: These are those that are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.
Additionally, cookies can be distinguished according to their persistence on the user's computer or device:
  • Session cookies: These are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are usually used to store information that is only interesting to keep for the provision of the service requested by Users on a single occasion;
  • Persistent cookies: These are a type of cookie in which the data is still stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the cookie editor, which can range from a few minutes to several years.
The cookies used on the Website can be classified into the following categories depending on the purpose of their installation:
  1. Technical cookies, necessary for the provision of certain services used by Users when accessing and browsing the Website. If these cookies are deactivated, Users may not receive content and services correctly;
  2. Analytical or measurement cookies, used for the monitoring and analysis of User behavior, including the quantification of the impacts of advertisements, in most cases without personally identifying visitors. If these cookies are deactivated, the Website may continue to function, but their installation makes it possible to improve the functioning of the Website.
  3. Preference or personalization cookies, which record information for the User to access the service with certain predefined general characteristics, based on a series of criteria in the User's terminal, such as the language, the type of browser or terminal used or the regional configuration.
  4. Behavioral advertising cookies. They are those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of advertising spaces. To this end, they store information on the behavior of users through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which makes it possible to develop a specific profile of each User to show them adapted advertising.
  5. Social cookies. Each social network uses its own cookies so that the User can share or interact with content on different social networks (“Like” or “Share” buttons on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn).
  6. Legitimacy for the use of Cookies
When Users access the Website and before starting browsing, they are warned about the use of Cookies so that they can accept or reject the installation of the cookies used on the Website, so that Users can authorize the installation of Cookies that may be of interest to them.

However, Harmonices expressly informs you that, when using the Website, cookies of a technical nature and necessary for the proper functioning of the Website may be installed, for which your express consent is not required.

If Users do not consent to the use of Cookies, they may modify or reject their installation or, in any case, they may stop using the Website and cease browsing.
Harmonices, by automatically obtaining information from the Website through Cookies, can collect personal data from Users, relating to their computer device, the use of the Website, and their behavioral habits. This information may include, among others, data about the most used language, pages or features of the Website, keywords, date, time, time that Users spend on certain types of pages, IP address, advertising identifier, and similar information related to the use of the Website.

In this regard, with regard to information that identifies or makes Users identifiable, the provisions of the Privacy Policy will apply.
Users may, at any time, disable Cookies and continue browsing, although browsing may be limited to several of its sections and browsing may be blocked at some point. Users may block or disable Cookies by activating their browser settings, which allow them to refuse the installation of all or some of them, or through the configuration options enabled on the Website. Most browsers allow you to warn of the presence of Cookies or to automatically reject them. If they reject them, Users may continue to use the Website, although the use of some features may be limited and, therefore, their experience less satisfactory.

Unless you have adjusted your browser settings, our system will create Cookies as soon as you access the Website and accept our Cookie Policy. Keep in mind that all Internet browsers allow you to change these settings.

For more information on how to adjust the configuration of Cookies, depending on the browser that Users usually use, we recommend that you visit the following links:

Internet Explorer:

https: //,, - plus.html, - plus.html,






Users may, at any time, revoke the consent granted in relation to the use of Cookies that they have authorized. To do this, you must delete the Cookies stored on your computer through the settings and settings of your browser.

However, Users should keep in mind that, in some cases, deleting or disabling Cookies may affect the proper functioning of the Website, and limit access to certain areas or functionalities offered.
This Cookie Policy may be modified at any time to faithfully reflect the Cookies used on the Website or to adapt to legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential requirements or instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or other competent supervisory authorities