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Sustainability and energy efficiency in coliving spaces


Did you know that the real estate industry consumes 40% of the world's energy and raw materials?

In this article, we will address a topic of vital importance in the housing sector And the Coliving: the energy efficiency. In our commitment to sustainability, we promote knowledge and the adoption of responsible practices. Despite its high global energy consumption, the real estate sector has been slower to adopt better sustainable projects.

In this article, we explore the potential of renewable sources and the monitoring of consumption as fundamental pillars for energy efficiency within Coliving projects and single-family homes.


Energy efficiency is the ability to optimize energy use in a home, minimizing its consumption and maximizing its benefits. Energy efficiency adopts measures and technologies that reduce the amount of energy needed to maintain a level of comfort in the home. This is achieved by implementing systems that strive to reduce energy losses and take advantage of renewable sources. In addition, energy efficiency promotes the responsible use of resources. Some examples of this include the installation of photovoltaic solar panels, the use of LED lighting, thermal insulation and automation systems to reduce excess energy consumption.

Having a home that consumes energy efficiently has many advantages for homeowners and the environment. By reducing energy use, long-term economic savings are generated — in addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This contributes to a more economically and ecologically sustainable home.

We also note that sustainability in the real estate sector is closely related to energy efficiency. Whether in Coliving or single-family spaces, implementing efficient practices in housing projects reduces environmental impact and promotes a more conscious lifestyle. A synergy between energy efficiency and sustainability is achieved by implementing measures such as the installation of renewable energy systems, efficient thermal insulation and consumption management systems.

Energy efficiency becomes even more important in the context of Coliving spaces. For example, the exchange of resources encourages the adoption of more sustainable daily practices. Sharing of electric vehicles, bicycles and other means of transport reduces polluting emissions and the consumption of fossil fuels. In addition, the exchange of resources, tools and appliances between members of the Coliving community reduces the need to buy new products, reducing waste and the generation of waste.

In Coliving projects, there are a variety of software and tools available to facilitate the calculation and monitoring of energy efficiency. These tools facilitate the evaluation and comparison of energy consumption, the identification of areas for improvement and the detailed monitoring of the project's energy performance. These tools help Coliving project developers manage and optimize design and energy use, promoting sustainability and energy efficiency in Coliving spaces.


The process of obtain an energy efficiency certificate of a home involves following a series of steps that guarantee the evaluation and classification of its energy consumption. As a landlord, you should call on an expert such as an architect or engineer to perform a thorough analysis of the home. This study examines things such as insulation, HVAC systems, lighting, and other aspects of energy consumption. At Alfareal, we take care of this with our Coliving projects.

Once the study is complete, the technician will issue a energy efficiency certificate with a label that ranges from category A to category G. This label visually and clearly shows the level of energy efficiency of a home, providing useful information both to homeowners and to potential buyers or tenants.

The certificate is valid for 10 years and must then be renewed. Since the updated certificate reflects possible changes and improvements in energy consumption made over time, it is crucial to highlight the importance of maintaining the energy efficiency of the home.


As a first step, it is essential to consider heating systems greener and more efficient to improve the energy efficiency of our homes. Heat pumps are a popular choice because they use renewable energy from air or soil to generate heat. Compared to conventional systems, these systems offer efficient performance and significantly reduce energy consumption. On the other hand, Radiant heating involves the installation of panels or underfloor heating that emit heat in a distributed manner. This method avoids convective heat loss and reduces energy consumption by maintaining a lower ambient temperature.

At Alfareal, we address heating needs in Coliving spaces depending on the scale and design of the project. The combination of efficient heating systems, such as those mentioned above, with good thermal insulation and adequate control of energy consumption will help create more sustainable and comfortable spaces.

As a second step, it's important to consider the wide range of grants and grants available to promote energy efficiency in homes. These programs and funds provide knowledge and help on how to renovate air conditioning systems, install thermal insulation, replace windows with more efficient ones, and implement renewable energy systems.

Because these grants vary in scope and requirements, it's crucial to know the programs available at each location. The bodies responsible for administering these grants can provide detailed information on the requirements, deadlines and procedures necessary to apply for grants.

Tax deductions and economic benefits can also be applied to the tax return, which motivates us to invest in improvements in the energy efficiency of homes. These deductions may include the purchase of efficient equipment or the hiring of experts to perform energy studies or efficiency certificates.


In short, living spaces must be more energy efficient to achieve a greater sustainability in the real estate market. This article has highlighted the importance of energy efficiency in housing, how it relates to sustainability and the benefits of its implementation. In addition, we have examined the ways in which energy efficiency certificates can be obtained, the available aid programs and grants, and the greenest heating systems.

In Alfareal, we seek to lead the industry and apply best practices in the real estate sector, committing to sustainability and energy efficiency in our projects. We can create more sustainable Coliving spaces with a conscious approach and promote a more environmentally responsible housing future and the financial health of our projects.

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